Sunday, December 2, 2018

41-1-That other Texan

Reader Marky Mark brings up a valid point about the election of 92, wondering if H Ross Perot* didn't pull so many votes away from President Bush that he swung the election to Clinton.

Bush thought Perot cost him the election and said so in a documentary, though we can't find the clip.

Indeed our best friend in college that year was a Republican, later chair of the College Republicans, but that year he was working and organizing for Perot. Paul wasn't the only GOP who went of to Perot that year, lots of prominent GOPs went to work for him, including Ed Rollins, who orchestrated Reagan' annihilation of Mondale in '84.

Five-Thirty-Eight doesn't think Perot cost Bush the election. Neither do we. Without Perot the election is a squeaker, but Clinton still wins. Stick with the doc till the end. Exit polls showed 38% of Perot voters would have supported Bush, 38% Clinton and the rest would have stayed home.

As we wrote yesterday, it was just time.

*Pronounces name like the bird. So much for Perot's impact, which was thought to be yuuuge.

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