Thursday, December 6, 2018


Vice President Bush really played up the family angle during Campaign 88. 

He showed himself a family man surrounded by adult children and grand children whom he obviously adored. In 1992 he had a hot mic moment lovingly referring to his Hispanic grandchildren as the 'little brown ones'. Of course the Dems killed him for it.

Bush the Family Man was no mere campaign construction as witnessed yesterday:
Ironically Jeb is now the family patriarch but younger brother George was president, so W gave the eulogy.

Forgive us but we've given two family eulogies this year so we found this particularly moving.

If the reader has ever wondered about our utter contempt for Democrats it is becuase of the above. W is obviously a good and decent man and they didn't care. Bush is Hitler to them. Good lord, the things one has to believe in order to believe the things the Dems believe about W.

And that is how they got Trump.

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