Wednesday, December 5, 2018

41-4 Rest in Peace

Today the nation commemorates President George Bush, as he was known before his son took the job.

The commemorations seem pitch perfect, a celebration of a remarkable life, navy pilot, businessman, civil servant, president, good man.

Like all good men President Bush receded from the scene when his time was up. He did fine charitable works and enjoyed his family. 

Over the last 25 years the things about President Bush that people didn't like receded like he did till we were left with the legacy and the man. Over time President Bush became the national nice-old man-down-the-street to whom you send your teenaged sons to shovel snow, do yard work and the like. Bush became utterly apolitical.

We think the way the nation has mourned President Bush's passing says a lot of things, all the right things-about us.

Rest in Peace, President Bush.

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