Sunday, December 30, 2018

Going Forward: 2019

We have accepted the fact that people love World War 1990 and we should stop trying to stop writing World War 1990.

So here's where we are.

The Battle of the Three Seas is 43,000 words. This is good becuase it gives us a chance to develop more of the REDACTED end of things. No spoilers!

The Final Storm is 20,000 words. This is good becuase it gives us more space to develop the brewing revolutions we keep hinting at. We can also beef up the aerial assault end of things. This is doubly good becuase it makes for a World War 1990 novel that is somewhat different than the other World War 1990 novels.

We are 20,000 words into World War 1990: NL. Actually it feels like we're 40,000 words in becuase another 20,000 is going to describe Dutch I Corps fighting. The thing damn near writes itself. If anyone has some suggestions for that we'd like to hear them.

As to the other projects we have not forgotten about Esercito Italiano and will write it. We're hoping to begin next autumn.

There is also Thatcher's War (you'll see) and the far off Election 1992. 

2018 was supposed to be the year of World War 1990, and it was. 2019 will also be the year of World War 1990.

So it was spoken. So it shall be.


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