Monday, December 31, 2018

Franchise This

Our esteemed fan and representative from Italy pointed out on FB that World War 1990 was supposed to be three novels, to which our cousin from Kentucky replied, 'You mean like Star Wars?'

This is actually an apt comparison.

Reader(s) know our thoughts on Star Wars. We're doing the exact same thing here, franchising World War 1990 from the base novels of Artic Storm, Eastern Storm and Polish Storm.

Then came ANZACs (marketing ploy) and Castro's Folly, probably the most funnest of the group. We did like our Cuban brothers. Also Flavio.

So here comes the franchise, World War 1990: NL, Esercito Italiano, probably Guards Army, Thatcher's War, and Election '92, and so on.

You people really like this stuff.


  1. Yes we do very much the main reason I like this series of books is it a traditional slug tank on tank war no stupid super weapons that make no sense to win the day or no over rated spec ops or covert action groups fighting some silly war behind the scenes

  2. As long as you can keep making interesting and editing stories in the World War 1990 universe, i'll keep buying them.
