Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I've made a Huge Mistake

We sometimes wonder here at William Stroock dot BlogSpot dot com if you gentiles aren't sick of the whole Jewish humor thing. 

Jewish humor is a thing, just as British humor is a thing. For our money, or Pound Sterling anyway, there are only two kinds of Americans, those who like British humor and those who don't. 

It's the same with Jewish humor isn't it? Aren't you gentiles sick of the schtick? The kisch? That indifferent Mediterranean shrug? The eh? I mean Seinfeld didn't kill it for you?

We guess not.
We give you The Kominisky Method:
Which brings us to our huge mistake.

For at least a decade we've complained about people complaining about life. 

We make that Mediterranean shrug and putz sound and say, 'Really? You can press a button and watch any movie ever made and you're complaining about life? Do you know what people were doing for fun a hundred years ago? Do you know fifty years ago I'd have dropped dead? Forty years in the desert and your complaining becuase the WiFi is out?'

But every word Alan Arkin utters at the end of that trailer is true. And it doesn't matter how much crap you surround yourself with, it's still true.

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