Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Whither the Global Elite

We awake this morning to the wonderful news that Prime Minister Theresa May faces a no confidence vote.

An empty cab pulled up to the Palace and Theresa May got out.

Mrs. May is the worst Prime Minister since Mr. Cameron.

We always felt sorry for Mr. Brown. In the NFL you never want to be the guy replacing the legendary coach, and that certainly describes Gordon Brown. 

We have always respected Mr. Blair, the Prime Minister*. We'll never forget him attending President Bush 9/11 address to Congress. Indeed it was good to see you, friend.

But they are all part of the global elite. As is the flailing M. Macron in France. As is the failed Barrack Hussein Obama. 

They all think, act and govern alike. 

Cameron, May, Macron, Barry O, they all look alike too; the same trim, fit, elongated body frame. It's as if they all use the same personal trainer and nutritionist.

We bet they all eat soy burgers.

Now we come to President Trump, who definitely does not look like he's part of the global elite. He looks like a pre-war industrialist and he definitely does not eat soy burgers. In fact he orders Omaha steaks, well done, with plenty of ketchup.

How gauche.


*Uttered with a Churchillian accent.

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