Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Whither the Weekly Standard

Via Hotair, we learn that the once venerable Weekly Standard is about to get the axe, though pieces of the body may still run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

In recent years the standard, or its publisher, William Kristol- has gone insane. Trump has had that effect on lots of people.

The Weekly Standard got its start in the summer of 1995, the summer of Newt Gingrich. This was the high tide of post-Reagan conservatism, of Gingrichian policy ideas, wonkism, and dare we say neo-conservatism. I was there:
The Weekly Standard was linked to Newt, it even featured him on its inaugural cover. But Newt imploded, as is his want, in 1998 and we don't think the magazine ever really found its form again, at least not until the Iraq Campaign. Ever since the Weekly Standard has been in intellectual tatters, as was much of the right, a piece of the smoldering wreckage of Election 2008.

Oh well. The right has moved on from Neo-conservatism to Trumpism.

Alert reader(s) will recall that Kristol was Dan Quayle's chief of staff. He was the one standing in the classroom next to the veep saying, 'There's definitely an e at the end of Potato.'

Those same alert reader(s) will notice that Kristol has been getting more and more diabolical in the WW1990 series.

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