Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A 2018 Prediction Ages Well

Here's one prediction made for 2018:

Friday, December 29, 2017

In Which Newt Gingrich Agrees with William Stroock

Quoth Newt:
The great political surprise of 2018 will be the size of the Republican victory.
After members of the elite media have spent two years savaging President Trump, lying about Republican legislation, and reassuring themselves that Republican defeat was inevitable, the size of the GOP victory in 2018 will be an enormous shock.
I agree. I know I've written this somewhere before, but Newt knows a thing or two about electoral waves. As House Minority Whip he engineered the GOP Coup of 1994 and took over congress. He saw it coming when no one else did.

Ten years later, when the al Qiada sympathizers in the media leaked phony exit polls saying that Senator Jean Francois Kerry (Vichy-Fr) was going to win, Newt took one look at the poll internals and said Merde. He then went on Rush, went all over right-blogisphere to proclaim said polls Merde. I watched, read and listened to that unfold in real time.

So when Newt, a fellow alternate history author I might add, says the GOP will win bigly in 2018, the GOP will win bigly in 2018.

Talking about the sex-perverts running the media, his Newtness also notes this:

As I listened to the end of the year "analysts," I was struck by how little they know, how little they have questioned their own mistakes, and how mutually reinforcing their false information has been.
Damn straight. How wrong were these people last year? They didn't just say Trump was going to lose, Charlie Cook, Chuck Todd, Chris Everett Mathews and all the rest of them said Hillary! had a 98.6 percent chance of winning.

Meanwhile, your humble blogger had been screaming for weeks that Trump was going to win.

Who to trust now....lemme see here.. let's roll play this...fade to a JEOPARDY!

[Oh for fek sake. Why do you do this to me, lord?-Ed]

Alex Trebek:     'Humble William Stroock Reader (HWSR), you have the board.
HWSR:              'I'll take political prognosticators for a hundred, Alex.'
Alex Trebek:     [bells and buzzing] 'A Daily Double'.
HWSR:              'Hmmmmm....let's make it a true Daily Double, Alex!'
Alex Trebek:     'Answer...a brilliant author who correctly predicted Trump's victory...'
HWSR:             'Who is...William Stroock?.
Alex Trebek:     'Correct!'

So there you have it.

Charlie Cook says a blue wave is building for 2018. William Stroock says there will be a Republican realignment.

Who's the smart money on, motherfucker?

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