They're joint response to Trump's address was probably the most humiliating moment in American politics since Dukakis climbed aboard an M-1 tank.
So memable.
Nobody other than Federal employees care about the so-called shutdown. In fact, nobody even notices. Quoth Mrs. Stroock, 'The government is still shutdown?'
Trump's base loves everything about the shutdown. When we hear TSA employees are staging a sick out and having to find part time work our response is, Oh yeah, baby...just like that...
In one fell swoop Trump made the argument about boarder security, drugs, terrorists, criminals- all for 5.7 billion, a Federal pittance.
Amy Schumer's uncle and San Fran Nan are fighting a battle they've already lost, though they probably don't know it.
So when Nancy said no yesterday, Trump just got up and left.
Just walk away.
This is Art of the Deal 101, people.
We learned this lesson years ago car shopping with Mrs. Stroock. After a test drive we just weren't that interested in a Rav-4 and every time we were about to get up to leave the salesmen offered better terms.**
The Remulacians are dealing with a master negotiator. Trump just renegotiated NAFTA. He just re-negotiated terms with Europe. He's forced China to the table, and all that remains is to negotiate the terms of Beijing's surrender.
Does anyone really think Trump is bothered by Chuck and Nancy?
Chuck and Nancy have to make a deal, but they can't. They face a rising young caucus led by Juden hassers like AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and the incestuous Ilhan Omar who will broke no compromise whatsoever.
For the young millennial hipster demo, compromise of any kind means moral surrender. After all, look what happened at Munich, though we have no doubt whatsoever that Ms. Venezuela wouldn't get the reference.
We come from France
*So much for being the worst persons in the world.
**We ended up with a beautiful blue Jeep Liberty. We loved that car, and slapped heavy metal stickers on the back window, Zeppelin, Maiden, AC/DC.
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