Friday, January 4, 2019

Wither the Jews

The Democrats have elected two Muslim women to congress, Illan Omar (who is deeply weird for other reasons), and Rashida Tlaib.

Both endorse BDS, cavort with Jew haters, and call for the destruction of Israel.

Surely Representative Omar and Representative Tlaib confine their Juden Hass to Israel. Omar and Tlaib hold no ill will for al-Yahud here in America.

We have no doubt.

The wise Imam warns of the Clever Jew, but where is the Clever Jew in America? About 79% of American Jews voted Democrat in the last election.

Meanwhile the right in Europe is courting der Juden Abstimmung. The Wall Street Journal reports:
BERLIN—Emanuel Bernhard Krauskopf’s trips to his synagogue in the German capital have become an awkward affair.

The reason: Mr. Krauskopf and about 30 others recently founded a Jewish chapter of the Alternative for Germany, or AfD, an anti-immigrant party that is the largest opposition group in parliament—one whose members include people accused of anti-Semitism, right-wing extremists and others on the political fringe.
This makes sense.

The left has embraced the Muslim vote and loathes Israel anyway. And it's never hard for the European to imagine the Continent's economic woes are the work of bankers, der Juden bankers. So the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe is really just a return to form after a generational lull, imposed mostly by the British, Canadian and American armies.

At this point the European Jew has three options. First, do nothing. How'd that work out in the last century?

Second, vote AfD, Five Star, Alliance Nationale, etc etc.

Third, well, the European Jew could do the smart thing and make Aliya. As reported by the Times of Israel:

Israel is putting together a plan to encourage tens of thousands of French Jews to immigrate to Israel and absorb them once they arrive, Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett announced Wednesday.

Many French Jews have become skittish about their future in the country following a series of Islamic extremist terror attacks in recent years which targeted the Jewish community as well as the wider French population, and rising anti-Semitism.
Hopefully Les Jew de Francaise est intelligent.

Exit video, an Israeli Air Force overflight of Auschwitz:

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