Thursday, February 14, 2019

Amazon to New York: Drop Dead

Item: NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo complains Florida is stealing NY tax payers.

Item: Amazon reconsiders building new facility in Queens.

Item: Andrew Cuomo complains SALT deduction cap hits Democrat states too hard.

You wanna know what New York State is really like? Check out a movie like Paul Newman's Nobodies' Fool. New York State is kinda of a hard place to love. The weather harsh turns in November and Spring doesn't really start ill May. You get a lot of French refugees from Quebec. There's a reason why visiting Miami seems like you died and went to Jew heaven.
Maybe I'm just getting jaded.

Let's look at that Amazon item. Thousands of jobs, billions in tax revenue lost becuase the hipsters of NYC think Amazon is some sort of massive globalist steam roller. Ok Amazon is exactly that but it doesn't mean a facility there wouldn't have helped New York.

I wonder where Amazon will build the new facility instead?

I don't mean to suck up to William Stroock dot blogspot dot com's Tennessee Contingent but Memphis might be a good fit, no? Favorable business climate, mix of blue and white collar workers, not mention FedEx for distribution.

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