Monday, February 25, 2019

Bibi goes righter and righter

Israeli politics are insane.

An apportionment system where parties doll out Knesset seats  based on a percentage of the vote. Nobody is actually the MK for, say, Beersheba or Haifa-North.

Which is why leaders have to make insane political deals.

Likud has 33 seats in the 120 member seat Knesset and makes alliances with the right wing and Orthodox parties to hold a 61 seat majority.

With the election coming in April Bibi just welcomed the Khanist Party into the government. These are Jewish religious whack-jobs and comparisons to the KKK or the National Socialists really don't go far enough: they're the Jewish version of Hezbollah only without all the missiles - yet.

Longtime readers know our ingrained cultural-familial disdain for Hasidic/Haredi Jews. Anyone reading War of the Red Sea or To Survive the Earth would have come away with a firm sense of Will Stroock's thoughts on these people.

Why just last Friday our rabbi was sermonizing about the anti-vax tendencies of the Satmar Hasidic enclave in Williamsburg bringing about a measles outbreak. We damn near stood up, hand held high and shouted, 'That's right!' Praise the lord!....Praiiiiise the lord!'

[What the fuck are you doing? Ed]

Screw you, Ed. You're not even religious. You're C of E.

Remember, if they saw you drowning these people wouldn't throw you a life preserver without  first consulting the Talmud. So screw them, too.

We're not pleased about this Bi-Bi. Not pleased at all.

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