Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bibi Withered

The Times of Israel tells us that Bibi is on the brink:
A decision by the attorney general to press charges, pending a hearing, in the criminal investigations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could have a game-changing impact on the April 9 elections, a new Times of Israel poll shows. The ruling Likud party would lose both a significant chunk of support, as well as its ability to form a coalition after the vote, the survey, published overnight Wednesday-Thursday, finds.
The charges would knock Likud down from 30 seats to 25. 

Bibi and Likud have taken two major shots now, the other shot being the alliance with the Kahanists.

A third shot would knock out Bibi for good, no?

We here at William Stroock dot blogspot dot com could go Blue and White. Maybe it's time. Leaders often don't know when to pack in it. Churchill was forced out. So was Maggie.

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