Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Civil (war) Movies

A friend of ours recently commented that Hollywood needs to churn out some Civil War movies.*

To be honest, we here at William Stroock dot blogspot dot com don't trust the bastards to do it. Still if someone were to produce some Civil War pics, here's what we'd like to see.**

-Lee: Follow the man and his conscience during five years of war.
-Sherman's March: A sprawling three hour epic, LOTR style.
-Judah Benjamin: the Confederacy's Jewish secretary of state.
-The Grand Review: A celebration of victory and what comes next.
-Appomattox:  A film about bringing the war to an end.
-Vicksburg: The grueling siege.

*Do recall our paternal grandmother was born in Naches and raised in Waterproof.
**The southern contingent among our readers are invited to chime in, as whatever we come up with will be Yankee-centric. Sorry. 


  1. I like to see a movie about Patrick Cleburne the best division commander on any side and if he had wanted to give slaves freedom in return for fighting he might have gotten the army of Tennessee command instead Hood and saved Atlanta

  2. Also ones on Nathan Bedford Forrest and on the CSS Alabama

  3. You know damn well no one's making a movie about Forrest. Alabama is interesting though.

  4. How about the orphan brigade or one about Mosby

  5. Battle of Hampton Roads. With today's special effects as opposed to the 91 Ted Turner cable movie version. I forget the name.
