Sunday, February 24, 2019

Commercial: TWA in 1971

We've really come to enjoy the aesthetics of TV commercials. That is, the fashion, the colors, the angles used in a shot, the pitchman's methods.

For example, back in the 80's airline commercials used to be sentimental, kids flying to see granny, that sort of ting. This.

Anyway, through methods we need not get into, we found this TWA commercial from 1971:
That is one serious pitchman pitching serious things. A barrage of facts, simple literal truths brought home with a slight punch and vocal grind at the end of each sentence. 'We're paying him BACK.'

Ok his tie is little wide but overall the suit holds up ok. The hair, well, that would be pretty bold today. Come on, people, it's 1971. We should just be thankful he's not in a Nehru jacket.

How can a businessman not fly TWA after this?

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