Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The now Weekly Democrat Follies News Wrap

Last Week: Dems will never have a worse week than me.
This Week: Hold my beer.

Where to begin?

On the border, Robert Francis O'Rourke's El Paso counterrally was eminently mockable.

Ms. Venezuela's Green New Deal continues to be a laughing stock with an unimaginably disastrous rollout. 

In Palestinian news, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib used to write for Louis FK's magazine.

Moving on, Somalia's finest, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is tweeting about the nefarious influence of Jewish money.

And in Civil War news, Virginia's #metoo Dems were going to impeach accused rapist Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax until the state's black leadership pointed out that a bunch of Becky's were trying to, I dunno, what's the word I'm looking for?...Oh yes lynch the Lt. Governor. I mean, Lt. Gov Fairfax is a Democrat, so WilliamStroock dot blogspot dot com's sympathy for the man is extremely limited, but can he at least be convicted of something before he's removed from office?

It's Tuesday, people.

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