Sunday, February 10, 2019

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 2-10-19

So we're working on a story for this compilation* which can be summed up thusly, 'What if the Native Americans won?'

Our contribution is Kamehameha's Navy.** In this scenario its the mid 20th century and the Kingdom of Hawaii's tiny navy is fighting off a Japanese invasion.

The Hawaiians have to stop the Japanese themselves, or go hat in hand to the United States for help, risking their independence in the process. For once the Americans come there's no getting rid of them. 

It's a naval adventure for sure, but also a story of nationalism, tradition and identity. Our protagonist is a Hapa Haolie.

*Yeah, yeah, we don't care about their politics, its a good idea and a good opportunity for us.
**Title extremely tentative.

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