Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wither Bibi?

Bibi really screwed up:
Faced with the question, "If elections were held today, which party would you vote for?" respondents gave 35 seats to Blue and White; 29 seats to Likud; nine seats to Labor; seven seats to United Torah Judaism and to Hadash-Ta'al. Naftali Bennett's New Right party would secure six seats; Shas, the Union of Right-Wing Parties and Balad would have five seats apiece; while Kulanu, Yisrael Beiteinu and Meretz would each win four seats.
That's as solid a lead as one is ever going to get in the meshuga nut-house that is Israeli politics. 

To be honest the poll is probably capturing the Blue and Whites at their peek. There's probably time for Bibi to recover.

Still, Netanyahu's alliance with the small and fringe Jewish Power party (no joke, that's what the Hebrew name translates to), is clearly alienating people.

It's alienating us. Seriously folks when it comes to Israeli politics we are unaligned. We are a swing voter. And while Iran may be our number one issue, our second issue is the religious-secular conflict in Israel. Between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, we chose Tel Aviv.

Bibi when you've lost Will you've lost the Israeli center.

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