Sunday, February 3, 2019

Wither Super Bowl

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Foreign readers should understand that the Super Bowl is no mere game, but a national excuse to get together and have a party during the bleak February.

The game is a massive spectacle, with the halftime show and TV commercials being as important as the actual on-field play.

This year the upstart Los Angeles Rams are going up against the permanently good New England Patriots. This is the Pat's 9th Super Bowl in 18 years. 

To put it in terms FIFA fans will understand, the Patriot's are like Brazil, Argentina, Italy and Germany all rolled up into won.

We're pretty indifferent and are sick of seeing the Pat's in the big game - our own NY Giants beat them twice - ha!. We're bored with the whole thing, really. 

Rules make the game needlessly complex, slow it down, and make the referees the single most important factor in victory and defeat.

To those wondering, yes, we're going to a Super Bowl party, but given our neighborhood, mostly for the cuisine.

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