Thursday, February 14, 2019

Your First Ilhan Omar post of 2-14-19

Via Powerline, Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) grills Elliot Abrams, Special Envoy on Venezuela about....Iran-Contra?
Watch the Jew-hater berate the Jew.

For reader(s) under 30, the Iran-Contra affair was a Reagan Era scandal in which we sold weapons to Iran and sent the money to the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters.

Oliver North was right.

Elliot Abrams was up to his neck in the scandal as he worked with anti-communist regime's in Central America. We agree with everything he said in the clip. US intervention brought the Sandinista regime to it's knees and brought Democracy to Nicaragua as well. El Salvador is now a democracy, and Viva Jose Napoleon Duarte! In fact, viva neoconservatism!

As it happens a far off branch of the Stroock family was involved in Republican Wyoming (I have no idea how they ended up there). Our cousin, Thomas F. Stroock was very close to Dick Cheney and wrangled himself the ambassadorship to Guatemala. Google him!

Also, for those wanting some Iran-Contra flashbacks Abrams and John Negroponte make cameos in Castro's Folly:


  1. What am I missing Iran contra was in the 80s what does it have to do with today

  2. This is the sort of thinking that made adults responsible for dumb stuff they did in high school and college.
