Sunday, March 10, 2019

Bibi Holding

The Jerusalem Post tells us that two different polls show the Blue and Whites coming down from their post announcement high of 35-37 seats and in a tie at around 30 with Bibi and Likud. Worse for the anti-Bibi crowd, the right block of parties would win 61 seats, just enough to form a government.

We've read about Benny Gantz, the Blue and White Leader. He's a general, former IDF chief of staff. Over here that'd make him a celebrity and favorite, but not in Israel. Everyone's in the military over there and they get a new CoS every few years.

Benny Gantz’s first assignment as a young army recruit was to participate in securing Egyptian president Anwar Sadat’s historic visit to Israel in 1977.

Twenty-three years later, he was the last Israeli soldier to leave Lebanon after Israel’s unilateral withdrawal in 2000.

Today, four years after he left the army as its 20th chief of staff, he is the first person in a long while who has a realistic chance of replacing Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s prime minister.

Though he has zero political experience and the high-tech company he chaired for three years was a spectacular failure, Gantz, a tall, 59-year-old, father of four, seems to be convincing an increasingly large group of Israeli voters that he can lead the country better than his former boss.
We can't quite put our finger on it, but for us personally, there just doesn't seem to be much there-there. 

The race has regressed to the mean.

It seems to us that the Blue and Whites need to peel off guys like me from Likud. Even as Bibi seems just a little more despicable everyday, they're not doing it.

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