Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hungary for Hungarians

Via Breitbart, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban lays down the gauntlet:
“What outrages our opponents the most is the fact that in our Constitution we have written that Hungary has Christian roots; that here there is no place for multiculturalism; that a child has the right to a mother and a father; and that our nation has the right to defend its borders – which are also the borders of the European Union,” the Hungarian Prime Minister observed.
This is an interesting point.

There's no such thing as an ethnic American, not even in 1776. As new peoples arrive here they are gradually absorbed into the broader culture and become Americans all while leaving their own imprimatur on the American over-culture. 

Every autumn we have a lovely Diwali here in Chindia and families are pressing for a day off to celebrate.

Unlike America, Hungary is an ethno-state. We're no Hungarian cultural expert, but shouldn't Hungary be filled with Hungarians, and Catholics, and lovely Slavettes in those fetching peasant dresses that fall off the shoulder?  Shouldn't people be eating perogies and borscht?

The Hijab just doesn't seem to look right on the streets of Budapest, no?

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