Thursday, March 21, 2019

Ilhan Omar's Purim

The rabbi said, 'Elizabeth Warren!'

Our hand shot up and twirled the noise maker.

Let us explain.

Last night was Purim, in which we celebrate the victory of the Hebrews over Hamman, viceroy to the Persian king who tried to have all the Jews killed. He was kind of the Warm Tongue of the Persian Empire.

One may read all about it in the Book of Esther.

During the Purim ceremony, every time the rabbi utters the name Hamman, one is supposed to yell and make noise.

As one can imagine, it's a great kids holliday.

The rabbi had already name-checked Somalia's Finest. When reading Hamman's accusation against the Hebrews he added 'They've hypnotized the world.'

We laughed at that but the line went over most congregants heads. The rabbi explained and everyone else laughed.

So the rabbi had a little bi-partisan fun. He said Donald Trump, he said Alexandra Ocasio Cortez....and then he said Ilhan Omar.

The congregation howled.

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