Thursday, March 14, 2019

Stroock Aborted III

Our own position is that save health risks abortion should be illegal.

We do not subscribe to the doctrine of 'choice.' 

We recognize that at least 60% of Americans disagree with us and our stance will never become law.

Moral decisions are never easy and we don't envy women presented with this 'choice'.

Which is why we're horrified by abortionists. 

When we say abortionist we don't mean people who think abortion should be legal or even pro-abortion advocates.

By abortionist we mean the Ralph Northam's of the world who think babies should be born, kept comfortable and then killed on the table. We mean those shrieking harpies who walk around wearing 'I had an abortion' T-shirts.

Do abortionists really think a 16 year old girl who had an abortion is celebrating it? The entire circumstance is tragic. Do abortionists believe that a 35 year old woman who didn't want to put her career on hold would want to brag about her abortion?

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