Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What do I write about

We've done a lot of character driven stuff.

A Line through the Desert is the best example. It's got plot, it's got character.

A Line through the Desert also never sold much. Sure people will pick it up after they've read the blow up-shoot 'em ups, but the book has never really moved.

Same is true for A March through Hell. Lots of plot and character. Pain, redemption, the whole bag. We wrapped up the novel while Israel Strikes was still in its huge run. Before publication we sensed AMTH wouldn't do much.

Israel Strikes has character, but in a different way than ALTD or AMTH. Don't tell me President Stettler or General Nagid are NPCs. We're confident we captured Bush the Elder and Colin Powell on the page. Thatcher too.

Still, these days most of our ideas come to us and we think, 'Wouldn't it be cool if the US invaded Cuba during World War Three?' or 'How about extended amphibious operations in the Soviet far East? No did that before.'

That'd be cool, huh-huh.

The idea twixes our nethers,* so to speak. We come up with the people later.

So these days we writing about ideas, events. Plot.

*Tell me where that's from and I'll send you a book.