Friday, March 1, 2019

Wither Bibi or Rally?

Over at Legal Insurrection, William Jacobson wonder's if the  indictment of Bibi will rally people to Likud, an angle we admittedly had not considered.

Personally we would be interested in the new centrist Blue and White Party, Bibi's main competition, if we had any idea what they stood for aside from being not-Bibi.

Remember, this isn't 1996, 1999 or 2000 where issue #1 was the 'Peace Process'. In the special 2000 election, Sharon annihilated Ehud Barrack 65-35. The 'peace process' is over and only the quislings in Labour and Meretz don't get that.

Economic issues are important and the conflict between religious and secular society, Tel Aviv vs Jerusalem, is ongoing.  Did you know the Haredi are exempt from  military service? Fuckers.

Slowly the secular world gains ground, but it's trench warfare not blitzkrieg.

From the Times of Israel, here's a useful primer on Israeli political parties and one man's dilemma.

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