Friday, March 22, 2019

World War 1990: NL

We are still slogging along with the Dutch Politie of Klazienaveen as they watch the Spetznaz take over their town. 

We are seeing problems and fixing them. As usual this means cutting out words, sentences, paragraphs. 

Slim and trim is the rule here.

We have even written a good chunk of the Battle of Klazienaveen.

Did you know the Dutch love fireworks?

We're not sure old man Leyven should be running around with his WWII Thompson the way we have him running around with his WWII Thompson.

Over all it's a grind. 

[Oh you poor thing-Ed]

We want our life back.

[Why so you can do it all over again with Battle of the Three Seas?-Ed]


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