Thursday, May 16, 2019

Better Dead than Red: Family Feud Edition

Via my friend Bruce Sandmeyer, classic Family Feud, 1977: Things Russia is famous for:
Nineteen freakin' seventy-seven.

Watch closely as Richard Dawson askes the family patriarch, Bob, 'What's Russia famous for?'

Bob's face loses color and goes taught as he grimly answers, 'Russians'.

That's right, Russia is filled with Russians and Bob doesn't like it one bit.

Bob stairs off into the middle distance no doubt thinking, We would have nuked those commie bastards back in '45 if it weren't for that piano playin' Democrat. Damn you Harry Truman.

Bob grimaces as Richard Dawson tries to joke about his answer. But there's nothing funny about Russians, is there, Dawson?

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