Monday, May 13, 2019

I'm Still with Her: 2020

This blog has been loath to talk about the Democrat Party primary becuase we think doing so in freaking May the year before the election is obscene.

Honestly this drawn out primary process is the worst part of American politics.

That said, intrepid Wisconsinite Ann Althouse writes:
Yesterday, on Facebook, my son John declared an "Open thread for your predictions on who’ll win the 2020 presidential election. I know it’s too early, but it’s still fun to guess." There were lots of answers, mostly "Trump," but some said Biden or Harris or Buttigieg. After 4 hours of that, I said:

Hillary. It’s her turn.

I laughed and I got laughs
It's no joke.

Longtime reader(s) will recall this blog predicted the bitch would run again.  

If you don't think Hillary! lacks the judgment and self awareness to stay home, then you haven't been reading Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign. 

After all, Comey and the Russians took the presidency from her and gave it to Donald Trump.

Why not?

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