Friday, May 31, 2019

Newt Knows! Newt On!

Last Sunday Ben Shapiro, who is often wrong, interviewed the right guest, Newt Gingrich.

Newt is an interesting man, author, college professor, politician. As House minority WHIP he forced the resignation of Democrat House Speaker Jim Wright. In 1994 he engineered the Republican takeover of the House in. Newt was the first GOP to fight in a generation.

As speaker, Newt got Bill to sign welfare reform and made a pragmatic deal on spending which balanced the budget.

What looked to us like a disappointing tenure at his resignation in 1998 now seems like a successful tenure.

Newt is a deadly political prognosticator and one should always listen closely to what he says. He combines election experience and acumen with historical perspective. Newt has won a lot and knows his history.

We recall him on the radio on election day 2004, calling bullshit on the bullshit exit polls showing Jean Francois Kerry (D-FR) had won.

In Shapiro's fascinating and perhaps best interview, Newt talks about his time as speaker during Bill Clinton's impeachment and restates the case against the man. His regrets are quite interesting. 

We hope he's secretary of state in Trump's second term.

This blog suggests watching the interview in its entirety:

1 comment:

  1. Listened to that before you posted...liked his welfare state vs socialist state comments especially.
