Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Smooth Sailing for USS Trump

So conservatives, climate skeptics, Euro-skeptics, Nationalists won the EU elections. Last week the conservatives won the Australian election. Last month Bibi won the Israeli election.

In all three cases the right was up against cosmopolitan hipster elites.

You'd have to be a real moron... [Cough - CNN - Cough-Ed] to think Trump is in some kind of trouble.

What are Democrats gonna run on in 2020, huh? The Green New Deal? Mass-migration? Infanticide? Probably. The left learns nothing and forgets nothing. 

But Trump's tax returns!

Were' pretty sure the voters who gave Trump the great states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania aren't going to be swayed by Alexandria Ocosio Cortez, even if she has a nice rack.

[Sorry, folks-Ed]

Vote against your White Privilege doesn't sound like much of a slogan to us.

But what do we know? It's not like we keep calling elections right.

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