Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Strikes Israel?

We've once again gotten a visitor asking about a third Israel Strikes novel.

What third Israel Strikes novel?

Thanks folks, don't forget to tip your waitresses.

Anywho, alert readers will recall that War of the Red Sea ends with Iranian intel agents handing Rosensweig a dirty bomb.

To be honest, Israel Strikes was supposed to be a one-off novel. But it did so well we thought we'd be a moron not to do another.

We did some interesting things in War of the Red Sea, espionage, naval warfare, etc, and we planned to wrap things up in a third novel.

And then we got the idea for World War 1990. The series is all consuming and at this point we feel death will be our only escape.

Our tentative idea for a third Israel Strikes novel was a war with Egypt. But in the ensuing years we've kind of gotten our air and armored warfare fix, haven't we?

We have the germ of an idea, something with the Krauts and Turks and...we dunno.

If readers have a suggestion we're all ears. Is there some other angle we haven't thought of? What more can we do to Iran? At this point, we feel bad for them.

Also, if readers have any time to contirbute....


  1. How about a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran with the Israelis helping the Saudi's

  2. We pretty much did that in War of the Red Sea
