Thursday, June 6, 2019

I'm with the Media: Screw You

You'll have to look up the title.

Anyhoo, via my FBF Kathy Shaidle, out of work journalists are trying to save journalism
Two reporters fired amid widespread industry-wide layoffs this year are launching a nonprofit organization to protect other journalists from a similar fate as big tech companies continue to threaten the industry's viability.

Laura Bassett, a former culture and political reporter at HuffPost, and John Stanton, a former BuzzFeed News Washington bureau chief, founded the Save Journalism Project. It aims to save the industry from the "monopolistic power of big tech companies," according to a news release.
Get a load of this:
In part, the Save Journalism Project aims to educate journalists on the side of the industry reporters tend to ignore — the business side.
Laugh? Cry? You tell me, people.

It's as if we wrote books and didn't understand the production costs, advertising costs, etc, etc. 

If nothing else this blog is compassionate. So we contacted Save Journalism and made a helpful suggestion: