Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Political Sausage Party

When told John Dean testified before congress yesterday our first thought was, 'Is there something wrong with the nation's breakfast sausages?'

Then we realized that's Jimmy Dean. Mmmmmmm breakfast sausage.

[You're Jewish-Ed]


Like everyone else in America under 50 we had to look up John Dean.

Turns out he was one of those Watergate guys, Watergate being a political scandal of the Nixon Administration (1969-1974), in which President Nixon was busted by the Deep State for doing what Democrats regularly get away with.

One can't help but imagine a conversation between Congressman Jerry Nadler (D- Fat Camp) and a young staffer, 'I know you kids are really into this disco thing.'

What's next? Zombie John Wilkes Boothe testifies on gun control? 

Readers are invited to make their own jokes in the comments.

Way to stay current Dems. Way to stay current.

As President Trump would say, sad.

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