Friday, June 7, 2019

Women's Sports Burning Down

PJM reports on British Lesbians protesting transgender men participating in women's sports.


Of course here in America a transgendered man named CeCe Telfer is dominating NCAA Division II women's track. Last year CeCe was a dude. 

The NCAA tells us it's OK. Quothe the Daily Caller:
NCAA policy is that male athletes who identify as transgender can compete on women’s teams if they suppress their testosterone levels for a full calendar year. Otherwise, so-called mixed teams — which have both males and females — can compete in the men’s division, but not in the women’s division, according to NCAA rules.

The NCAA in 2011 published an explainer calling it “not well founded” to assume “that being born with a male body automatically gives a transgender woman an unfair advantage when competing against non-transgender women.”
The NCAA explains:
It is also important to know that any strength and endurance advantages a transgender woman arguably may have as a result of her prior testosterone levels dissipate after about one year of estrogen or testosterone-suppression therapy. According to medical experts on this issue, the assumption that a transgender woman competing on a women’s team would have a competitive advantage outside the range of performance and competitive advantage or disadvantage that already exists among female athletes is not supported by evidence.
Not supported by evidence. 

And so in just a few years two generations of hard work building women's sports programs will be destroyed.

Now comes the time for concerned men to ask themselves, what should we do?

Nothing. Do absolutely nothing. As Mayor Wilson Goode of Philadelphia once said, let it burn.

Personally, were done. We're sick of being called a hater, a fascist, a bigot. We're men. We're what's wrong with the world. Our masculinity is toxic. Haven't you ever watched Lifetime, WE, or Oprah? 

Have you ever thought, oh great, another movie about a woman who persisted against the old boy network...Wow another Disney show about girls besting boys in karate, or orienteering, or snowboarding...

Men, don't you feel ground down by decades of feminism, girl power, women can have it all, girls can do anything? 

This blog says, ok ladies, you can do anything a man can do, you do this. You fight the tranny fascists. You take the verbal abuse. You deal with the demonization. 

This is your fight song, gals. You woohooo, and get to it. 

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