Sunday, July 14, 2019

France Week: Bastille Day

We don't mean to bash France or the French on Bastille Day, but we've always thought it ironic that the storming of the Bastille and the eventual overthrow of King Louis led to a decade of internal turmoil ending with a self appointed emperor.

This is not the American idea of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

The French revolution was not the last revolution, merely the first of many, 1832, 1871...they damn near had a military coup in the 1950s over the Algerian mess.

You can't say that about the American Revolution.

Napoleon was a great man of course, and unique in that he didn't care about one's background, only his competency. Napoleon was very competent. So we're not a monarchist or anything.

Besides, the Napoleonic Wars are totally cool.

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