Tuesday, July 9, 2019

RIP Ross Perot

That giant sucking sound you hear is Ross Perot going to his grave.

We kid, we kid. 

In his then famous Larry King debate with Algore in 1993, Perot claimed NAFTA would suck jobs down to Mexico.

He was right and the rest of us were wrong.

'Can I finish,' Perot implored as Algore interrupted him, 'Larry can I finish!'

Perot was a breath of fresh air in 1992, talking about issues like deficits and the recession instead of extra marital affairs and how to spell Potato. People who think Trump is erratic never saw Perot, who said whatever he thought, left the race and then jumped back into the race.

Some serious politico's joined perot's campaign, including Hamilton Jordon and Ed Rollins, Reagan's campaign manager in 1984.

Perot increased voter turnout from 50 to 55% and got about half his votes from the GOP. We knew some College Republicans who supported him, even after the election. They eventually came back into the fold.

Perot's Reform Party survived till 2000, when members including MN Governor Jesse Ventura tried to recruit Donald Trump to run on their ticket.

Oh well. 

If you were there, you'll never forget that Texas twang. Rest in Peace, Mr. Perot, and thanks for making Election '92 so much fun.

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