Sunday, July 7, 2019

Stroock to Whitehall: Drop Dead

Britain's Ambassador to the US says Trump is inept:
Britain's Ambassador to Washington has described Donald Trump as 'inept', 'insecure' and 'incompetent' in a series of explosive memos to Downing Street.

Sir Kim Darroch, one of Britain's top diplomats, used secret cables and briefing notes to impugn Trump's character, warning London that the White House was 'uniquely dysfunctional' and that the President's career could end in 'disgrace'.

His bombshell comments risk angering the notoriously thin-skinned President and undermining the UK's 'special relationship' with America.
Of course the Quizach Trumperach needs no defending from this blog.  But we are intrigued, amused and bemused by the notion of one of Whitehall's diplomats criticizing anyone for being inept.

Who wants to review the Foreign Ministry's record the last century or so? Versailles, Munich, Suez. Let us also note this man is serving under Theresa May...

[Do you not hear that? -Ed]

...and her unbelievably weak and....what's the word?....INEPT Brexit Deal. The worst PM since David Cameron that one is.

We suspect Sir Kim is one of Britain's top men.

And on 4th of July weekend too. SMH, Limey Bastards.

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