Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/11 What Should have Happened

Eighteen years after 9/11, you're goddamn right we're angry.

As the great Ralph Peters said, after 9/11 we should have hit Afghanistan with everything in our arsenal, created a smoldering ruin - and left.

Instead we're stuck in this god awful quagmire in a god awful not-a-real-country that not even Pakistan wants full of closeted homosexuals and goat molesters.

[Ok, so what would you have done?-Ed]

I would have irradiated Afghanistan with neutron bombs and then nuked it just to be a dick. I would have offered a million dollar bounty for the head of anyone named bin-Laden. I would have seized Saudi Arabia's oilfields. I would have surrounded the Saudi embassy in Washington and arrested the ambassador.

Then I would have gotten really mean...

1 comment:

  1. I would of nuked Mecca and destroyed the dome of the rock in Jerusalem then made sure Iran was a glass parking lot
