Friday, September 27, 2019

Aaron Calvin, Unemployed Racist

Racist journalist Aaron Calvin is 'no longer employed' by The Des Moines Register.

Carol Hunter EXECUTIVE Editor of The Des Moines Register, published a lengthy article on the fiasco. She uses up a lot of space on process. Example:
The timeline gets a bit complicated here: Register editors discussed at length whether to include information about the tweets and King’s remorse in our profile, but we were still editing the story when King talked to local TV stations. Busch Light announced its decision shortly afterward. We hadn’t yet published anything about his tweets when some people on social media began accusing the Register of doing King wrong and ruining a potential opportunity to continue raising millions of dollars to help sick children.
She goes on like this for several paragraphs. Good lord, this is soooooo typical. Journalists love process, in their minds so important to the art of journalizming*.

They assume we love process too, as if a story about a bunch of journalists sitting around a conference table is interesting.  It's almost as if Hunter doesn't understand what readers like.

Carol Hunter has committed journalism's cardinal sin, she and the Des Moines Register have become part of the story.

Anyway we emailed a question to Hunter, we'll see if she responds.

*Thanks Ben Shapiro.

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