Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bibi for the Win? Or is it a Trap?

Looks like Bibi is going to get first crack at forming a government.

If one includes Avigdor Liberman's Yisrael Bitenyu, the right-bloc has 64 seats or so.

We just don't see how Ganz forms a government, unless he convinces Likud to dump Bibi. Whose willing to stab him in the back and what would be the price of failure? Yikes.

Netanyahu really does have the best chance. Labour has already rebuffed him, even after he offered them the finance portfolio. It's so personal with them. Also with Liberman. Bibi has that effect on people. We know folks at our own synagogue who loath the man.

But they say in this case the leader who goes first has the worst chance to form a government. So who knows.

What a mess, and we can blame Bibi's tactics and rhetoric for making it so.

We miss Arial Sharon*. Can they tap zombie Arial Sharon to form a government?

*Greatest Jew since Moses, or Charleton Heston, anyway.

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