Friday, September 6, 2019

Les Allemand

So the oldest Stroocklette put French as her first language choice but blundered in her second choice. That's right, she chose German.

We asked her to go to class and say to her teacher, 'Guttentag, Herr Jones...' But she saw the mischievous gleam in our eye and thought better of it.

Why the jokes here just right themselves, don't they?

But let's just go ahead and write them.

A Jew walks into a German 101 class...

Ok seriously, here are ten phrases I think it would be helpful for every German speaker to know:

-Good morning, Mr. Chancellor.
-Yes, this is a very good marching song.
-The English are finished.
-Uh oh, the Americans again.
-I want these Stukas in the air within the hour.
-Where is the nearest ammunition dump?
-Fire torpedoes.
-Burn the village.
-Shoot the wounded.
-This way to the showers.

Feel free to chime in below.