Wednesday, September 11, 2019

North Carolina a Win and a Win

Red State is absolutely right:
Let’s be clear. McCready was favored to win this race over Bishop. The district itself was laiden with pitfalls for the Republican because of what happened in 2018. Despite that, the Republican won by a bigger margin than thought probable and Trump himself showed he still has the power to get Republican voters to the polls.
Bishop ecked out a win in NC-09, meanwhile the Republican romped over in NC-03. If Trump were really in trouble, that race would have been much closer.

Were the results reversed we'd endlessly hear about rough seas, stormy weather, grim tidings for Trump - becuase CNN, Politico and the NYTs are Isis, Hitler and Fake News.

In actual news, this race was great, great news for the goodguys and most likely a harbinger.

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