Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Sundown tonight marks the beginning of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.

[Son of a bitch!-Ed]

I know, right?

We're no Ben Shapiro so we won't be fasting, but we will be going to services tomorrow. Mrs. Stroock will be attending tonight as well. Someone has to operate the dance taxi and we're someone.

Overall the ceremony is sort of like one big, year long confession packed into one service which seems like it takes all year. Tomorrow's service is something like four and a half hours. It's a real slog. 

But you're not really absolved. The Rabbi doesn't tell you to say four Hail Mary's, five Rosaries and go in peace or anything like that.

[I bloody well hope not-Ed].

You're merely putting everything for which you need to atone out on the table. As if Hashem does not already know. He's Hashem, afterall.  They say it's supposed to make you feel better. Whatever, man.

Great, we already feel our Yom Kippuer headache coming on.

Baruch Atah Adonai
Elehenu Melech H'alom

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