This morning we find ourselves thinking about things twenty years on, thinking back to the autumn of '99.
We lived in Northern Virginia in a condo off of King Street/Route-7. This time 20 years ago we were entering our third month of unemployment and really starting to feel it. By then we had a routine figured out, at least. Take Mrs. Stroock to work, read for a little while, work out, read some more. We were biting off pieces of history books 25 pages at a time.
We we read about US presidents, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Jackson, and the American Revolution, a decision which would lead to us eventually getting an MA in same. This was a mistake, we should have majored in Civil War Studies, which is much more publishable.
It was (and is) baseball playoff time and we were hanging on every pitch. The Yankees swept Texas and then were off to Boston for an explosive series against their greatest rival, the Red Sox. The Yankees took the series in five games and went on to sweep the hapless Atlanta Braves in the World Series. The Braves never did figure out what it took to win in the post season. This was our favorite Yankees WS victory.
Last night the Yankees swept the Minnesota Twins to advance to the American League Championship Series, and we didn't watch a single inning. We couldn't care less.
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