Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oh no, not again

We haven't written much about Israel's Year of the Election because frankly we're bored to death by it.

Bibi has failed to form a government and returned the mandate to President Rivlin, whose asked Ganz and the Blue and Whites to try.

Here's a summation of where things are and where they might be heading.

In theory Liberman and Israel Bitenyu could join the Arab Joint List in a coalition with the Blue and Whites. Stranger things have happened. But we dunno, man. You're talking about a million Russian Jews who want to stomp Gaza flat and would be perfectly happy to expel Arabs from Israel. That's a hell of a tough sell.

Polls show the nation is sick of Netanyahu. Even we're a bit weary. Our sense is Bibi's finished. 

Third election? Come on, God, we went to services for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukhot. Don't do this to us. 

Lords of Kobol? Crom? The Many Faced there anybody out there? Anybody at all?

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