Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Venezuela on the Pacific

It'll take a generation to fix California.

Wildfires rage in California and the lights are going off throughout the state.

In San Francisco one has to watch one's step for fear of stepping in human shit.

In Los Angeles they've brought back Bubonic Plague.

Statewide the infrastructure is 40 years out of date and falling apart.

The Imperial Valley is lawless and dotted with migrant encampments.

Again. They can't keep the lights on.

It'll take a revolution to fix California.

You say you want to secede, California radicals? This blog says get out.


  1. Calexit movement saw your article. 
    "You say you want to secede, California radicals? This blog says get out."  
    Did you know there is a coalition of 13 RED CONSERVATIVE States that believe PEACEFUL DIVORCE should be an option the America discusses - before things get worse and end up 
    where hypothesize in writing. 

    We had a video conference when people around America backed the right for peaceful divorce - even Libertarian Candidate Adam Kokesh  

    Would you be up for an interview? 
    Could I introduce you to the coalition?   

    Major news coverage

    OANN - TV covered us well


    I want to interview you and send the interview unedited to our 150,000 members in California and our network of 14 Red States
