Friday, November 8, 2019


You all know about Ok Boomer, in which Millennials, Gen-Z and now Gen-X join forces to combat Baby Boomerism. What is Baby Boomerism? Baby Boomerism is the Baby Boomer belief that life, the universe, and everything is about Baby Boomers, their wants, their needs. 

Not quite understanding generational delineations, last night our oldest called us 'boomer'. We replied, 'Don' me Boomer,' and added,  'I hate Boomers.' Our oldest asked us why. We told her why.

Think we're too tough on Boomers? We give you the Boomer Buggy.
Only a goddamn Baby Boomer would expect someone to design a mini-car for them. Only a goddamn Baby Boomer would think they have the right to drive the !@#$ thing on the sidewalk. 'Stand aside! Here comes a Boomer!'

By the many arms of Vishnu, if I see one of those things coming toward me I'll tip the goddamn thing over.

1 comment:

  1. My God, driving that in Houston would get you run over. Until they put a little 3 cylinder engine and 3 gallon tank in that thing it is to slow to be practical. But if you want some to laugh at, not at all ADA complaint...Besides given America's increasing obesity, who can fit in it? Also given that high center of gravity and low weight, a stiff wind could push you over.
