Sunday, January 19, 2020

2A Organizers, heed Admiral Akbar's Words.

Tomorrow gun owners from across Virginia will rally at the state capital for Lobby Day ad voice their opposition to Governor Blackie's gun grabbing measures. Bearing Arms has an open letter to all those planning to attend.

Governor Northklanhood has declared a state of emergency and banned firearms from the capital, an unconstitutional order as Virginia is a carry state. Blackie has also surrounded the capital with cages and plans to force divergent protest groups together.

This blog wonders if the pro Bill of Rights protestors are walking into an ambush.

A decade ago we attended Tea Party rallies where organizers feared the bad guys stirring trouble. Not much ever came of those rumors.

We await tomorrow with great fear and trepidation. We dunno, if it's going to down, maybe it's time for it to go down, which is of course easily said from our kitchen in New Jersey.

Good lord, fingers crossed.

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